Fortune Telling with The Numinous

Fortune Telling with The Numinous

Bar Moxy

Fortune Telling with The Numinous

“The world is made up of scientists and mystics—those who mainly ask ‘how’ and those who mainly ask ‘why.’ Left- and right-brain thinkers. I stand firmly in the later camp, because, for me, without this kind of existential self-inquiry, life is meaningless.” Ruby Warrington

Join us for tarot card readings and 2019 astrology highlights with Ruby Warrington of The Numinous.

Ruby is a British writer, author and thought-leader currently located in NYC. Formerly Features Editor on the UK Sunday Times Style supplement, she is also the co-founder of “sober curious” events series Club SÖDA NYC and online spiritual mentoring program Moon Club. Her first book, Material Girl, Mystical World: The Now Age Guide to a High Vibe Life, is out now. Sober Curious: The Blissful Sleep, Laser Focus, Limitless Presence, and Deep Connection Awaiting Us All on the Other Side of Alcohol, is out January 1 2019 with HarperCollins.

Email with “ASTROLOGY” in the subject to reserve a spot.