Fully stocked wooden bar with HELLO TBILISI in pink letters on top. Mouth open with pink lips and #ATTHEMOXY in mouth.

Moxy NYC Times Square


Game On

Duis Aliqua

Ipsum Ullamco


Join Us For Special Events At Moxy Hotels

Mar 26
“Get in the Ring” Talking Resilience & Strength with Julia Stern and Claire Wasserman

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Moxy NYC Times Square

Elephant Room

In celebration of strong, resilient women this International Women’s Month, Vobyo boxing-inspired sneakers invites you to a candid and inspiring panel discussion with some of New York’s most dynamic professionals, entrepreneurs and athletes, including Julia Stern of Rumble Boxing and Claire Wasserman of Ladies Get Paid. We’ll be “getting in the ring” with these leaders of industry for an intimate talk on how they rolled with the punches during difficult times, in order to keep moving towards success.

This event is free to attend. Visit moxytimessquare.com/calendar to reserve your spot!