Fully stocked wooden bar with HELLO TBILISI in pink letters on top. Mouth open with pink lips and #ATTHEMOXY in mouth.

Moxy NYC Times Square


Game On

Duis Aliqua

Ipsum Ullamco


Join Us For Special Events At Moxy Hotels

Mar 21
Hair of the Downward Dog with Drunk Yoga

10:30 am - 11:30 am

Moxy NYC Times Square

Magic Hour

Kick off your Saturday with every New Yorker’s favorite things: brunch, wine, and yoga! Brunch brings us together, yoga brings you to yourself. Meet us on the mat to fill your glass, heart, and appetite for a signature Drunk Yoga® class at Magic Hour!

After class, enjoy 1 free cocktail from our Botanical Bar and 10% off your brunch check. Come laugh, feel yourself, and find community. Purchase tickets at moxytimessquare.com/calendar. Hotel guests are invited to attend the class for free by using code drunkyogamoxy at checkout. #namasteresponsibly