Fully stocked wooden bar with HELLO TBILISI in pink letters on top. Mouth open with pink lips and #ATTHEMOXY in mouth.

Moxy NYC Times Square


Game On

Duis Aliqua

Ipsum Ullamco


Join Us For Special Events At Moxy Hotels

Feb 07
Trends for Men Party with Blind Barber

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Moxy NYC Times Square

Bar Moxy

Join us this NYFW for an event celebrating men’s fashion with Blind Barber. Pop-up Barbershop will be offering beard cuts + clean ups, a debut of their new merch line, beats by DJ Olivier, and more. Event will include cocktails provided by Jack Daniels from 6-7.

Email RSVP@moxytimessquare.com with BLIND BARBER in the subject to reserve your spot.